Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tired of Hostas

I have a huge backyard (well for living in the suburbs anyways); which is awesome if you are into gardening!   One problem though, my yard is filled with huge shade trees, which causes all sorts of problems, I learned.  This is the 4th summer I've lived in my home.  I started out this spring determined to create a beautiful shade garden that isn't filled with Hostas (..I must say the people who lived in my home before my husband and I:  LOVED Hostas...all kinds, types, sorts and sizes....they are everywhere!  Front yard, backyard, side yard there wasn't any part of my yard that wasn't filled with Hostas...until now!)  Not to say that Hostas aren't beautiful, I'm just sayin' a little variety would be nice.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

toad lily "gilt edge"-tricyrtis formosana

One plant I am very excited about and can't wait to see bloom is the Toad Lily!  I purchased 2 medium sized plants and divided them into several small plants in spring.  Buds are starting to appear and will soon be blooming!